Thursday, September 9, 2010

Newspaper Questions.

1. What makes a newspaper different from other printed media?
Newspaper is different from other printed media because newspapers information all has to be real and actual facts and events

2. What role did the Industrial Revolution play in expanding the readership of newspapers?
The Industrial Revolution played a role in the readership of  newspapers because they helped speed up the process of creating the newspaper and simplified the process.

3. What kind of relationship did Pullitzer and Hearst have with each other? Why?
Pullitzer's and Heardt's relationship was that rhey both shared the newspaper buisness but they had rivalries in the buisness they broke out into a newspaper war to create the best newspaper with the best stories/ headlines then eachother.

4. What is meant by 'Yellow Journalism?'
Yellow Journalism is the type of journalism the gives no true or legitiment news and instead produces headlines that aren't true but they grab people's attention and make them interested and purchase the newspaper.

5. When was the Spanish-American war? Who was involved?
The Spanish-American war took place in 1898. Spain and America were involved in the war.

6. Including at least one picture, cartoon, or news story in your answer, explain how yellow journalism help initiate the Spanish-American war.
Yellow Journalism helped initiate the Spanish-American war because the reporters could create headlines that were untruthful and convince the Americans to hate the Spanish or the Spanish hate the Americans.

7. What is meant by the term 'Sensationalism' ?
Sensationalism is the overwriting or over exageration of the event of happening and blowing it out of perportion by making it seem like it is bigger or more than it is.

8. Would you mind telling a small lie if it meant making a sale or a bit of extra money for yourself?
Yes, I would because it wouldn't be that much of a big deal.

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