Monday, November 22, 2010

80's Rap Artist - LL Cool J

10 interesting facts:

1. At age four he saw his own father shoot his mother and grandfather.

2. His first album, "Radio," went platinum selling 1 500 000 copies.

3. He worked with a hip-hop sports line called "TROOP," and helped launch "FUBU"

4. He has written four books: "Make My Own Rules," "And The Winner Is,"  "The Platinum Workout," and "LL Cool J."

5. He founded and launched - a record label, social networking site.

6. He starred in "Wildcats" as a rapper

7. He won the "Patrick Lippert Award" in 1997

8. In 1991 he won the MTV Video Music Award for best rap video.

9. He wrote a song about the TV show NCIS. Qoute from LL Cool J, "It represents the collective energy in the room. I was so inspired I wrote the song on set."

10. In the Charles Angels movie, and played the role of Mr.Jones, in 2000.

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