Tuesday, November 23, 2010


1. My three favorite TV shows:
-Jersey Shore
-Phineas & Ferb
-MTV Live

2. Why I like them:
Jerser Shore-drama, funny.
Phineas & Ferb-simple, funny, cute.
MTV Live-new episode everyday, interesting, exciting.

3. My three shows I HATE:
-Sports Center
-Dora The Explorer
-Man Tracker

4. Why I HATE them:
Sports Center-Always on TV!
Dora The Explorer-Annoying, little kids are too obsessed with it!
Man Tracker-Pointless, stupid

5. Hours of TV I watch:
Weekday-3 hours
Weekend day-4 hours

6. The Parents:
 a) -Flip This House
     -Home Improvement
     -Red Green Show

 b)Flip This House: Learn tips on how to make our home better, Mom & Dad both watch this.
    Home Improvement: Comedy, Dad watches this.
    Red Green Show: Dad watches this, comedy(rednecks).

7. I think I like the shows; Jersey Shore, Phineas & Ferb and MTV Live, because they apply to who I am. I am in love with Jersey Shore! This is because many girls like drama, especially when it doesn't have to deal with them. This show contains a TON of drama, also its target audience is teenage girls, with the men on the show being very masculine, that attracts more female audiences. Phineas & Ferb is a cartoon show about two brothers and what they do on a summer day .I enjoy this show because I also enjoy summer and the show is very simple but also funny and cute.

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